
Work From Home Yoga (WFH Yoga) is a powerful practice to be included in your daily routine. It is designed for someone like you, working from home and have to sit at a desk for most of the day. It is the perfect combination of yoga postures, pranayama-breathing techniques, and Dhyana – meditation. It is engineered in such a way that it helps improve immunity, reduce stress, reduce fat, improve strength, and increase mental energy to deal with work from home lifestyle.

Our goal is to make work from home a pleasant experience for the whole world.

We have arranged sessions on multiple levels. It gets more challenging as you progress through the levels. We add new practices as we move up the level. Levels 1 to 4 are somewhat progressive in nature. So level 5 is very important in nature as we have some special technic to lock in energy generated through practice. And level 5 and beyond you will see the real transformation happening in you which you have never imagined is possible for you. So get ready for the real transformation in your physical and mental ability

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